Authorizing Only Your Team With Ansible


Authorizing SSH keys with Ansible is made easy by the authorized_key module. Or is it?

In the most simple case, we just want to authorize a single key, say the one of the current user:

- name: Authorize me
    user: "john_doe"
    key: "{{ lookup('file', lookup('env','HOME') + '/.ssh/') }}"
    state: present

Now, in our project we wanted to authorize multiple team members for a shared account, potentially with differences between hosts. So we put public keys in the playbook repository and did something like this:

- name: Authorize team
    user: "team_doe"
    key: "{{ lookup('file', item) }}"
    state: present
    - "config/{{ inventory_dir | basename }}/ssh_keys/*.pub"

This is nice, but has a fatal flaw: We do not de-authorize keys when we remove them from the playbook! In case of a single key, we would solve this by adding exclusive: true but, alas, this is not possible here:

This option is not loop aware, so if you use with_, it will be exclusive per iteration of the loop. If you want multiple keys in the file you need to pass them all to key in a single batch as mentioned above.

Therefore, we have to concatenate the key files. We could do this up-front and have only a single file with all keys in the playbook, but we prefer one file per key for transparency and maintainability reasons. Lucky for us, there we can also assemble a multi-line string inline:

- name: Authorize team
    user: "team_doe"
    key: |
      {% for filename in lookup('fileglob', 'config/{{ inventory_dir | basename }}/ssh_keys/*.pub', wantlist=true) -%}
      {{ lookup('file', filename) }}

      {% endfor %}
    state: present
    exclusive: true

Note the extra empty line in the for-loop which translates into a line-break in the resulting string.

CautionThe output of ansible-playbook does not seem to indicate that it removed any keys from the server. You may want to check separately that the desired effect was achieved.

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